Here's my version-
For the use of my players in Thunder Rift-
1. Where and how can we get magic items?
Look for them in ancient ruins or in the lairs of monsters. You probably won't find many such items for sale in town, but on rare occasions a trader may offer some sort of magic for sale. Let the buyer beware!
2. Are there any special limits on buying non-magical gear in town?
Most mundane gear found in the Rules Cyclopedia can be obtained in the town of Melinir, the largest above-ground settlement in Thunder Rift. Unusual or exotic items might be available as imports, but will cost extra. Only one smith in town, Shar the Dwarf-maid, knows how to make suit armor.
3. Where can we get magical healing?
It's free for all 'good and faithful' at the temple in Melinir. Those outside the church and those in poor standing may be required to first make offerings, or even refused help. Known evil-doers will either be refused help, or required to do penance. Pagans and skeptics might be turned away, but more likely will be the subjects of attempted conversion.
4. Is there a Thieves Guild?
Yes, some sort of shadowy criminal organization exists in Melinir. The thieves mostly prey on foreign traders, rather than robbing from locals.
5. Is there any sort of guild or association of magic-users?
No, but there was a famous school of sorcery in olden times. It was destroyed in the Wars of the Sword and Wand, along with the Fighter's Academy.
6. Where do clerics get their powers and training?
Lawful clerics honor the holy saints and train in the schools of Mother Church. Pagans and druids learn their powers from the study of nature spirits. Renegade servants of Chaos and wicked witches are said to draw power from demons and evil ghosts, but you don't know much about all that.
7. Is there any sort of mercenary brotherhood, arena, or other place for fighters?
There used to be a great school of combat, but it was destroyed long ago by angry wizards. It's a haunted ruin in the Gloomfens, now.
Fighters can train at a hall in Melinir. Death matches are not legal, but brawls, blunt sword duels, and so on are popular events, open to the public.
You've heard stories that the Black Knight, down the valley, is recruiting veterans for his guard.
8. Who is the richest person in the valley?
Karyn the Halfling, moneylender and banker of Melinir, is said to be the wealthiest person in the valley.
9. Who is the most powerful magician in the valley?
The Wizard of Mage Island may be the mightiest wizard since the ancient days of the Academy, but other stories claim that a powerful black magician lives on Wizardspire.
10- Who is the most famous warrior in the valley?
Valum, the Mayor of Melinir, is a doughty fighter and the veteran of many battles. He is a member of the Quadrial; a great honor.
11. Who is the most infamous thief?
Raven! He was gone for a long time, and people began to believe he had died, but lately there are whispers of his return. The merchants are all buying better locks and hiring extra guards...
12. Who is the highest ranking or most renowned cleric?
That would be Elena, the High Cleric and Matriarch of the church in Melinir.
13. Where are the dragons?
Scorch the Red lives in the Bone Hills. He is very dangerous.
15. Where are the dungeons?
Ruins are scattered over the whole length of the rift valley. Any of them might hold monsters and treasure.
16. What's the political situation, in a nutshell?
The humans, elves, dwarves, and halfings are mostly allies but are not united under one government. Each settlement runs its own affairs. Mayors or burgomasters rule the human dominated towns, with advice from local councils. The demihumans govern themselves through ancient clan laws.
The chaotic and monstrous races are less organized, but are numerous and present a chronic threat to the towns and farms of the civilized folk.
The Black Knight is a wildcard- nobody knows for sure which side he is one-- apart from his own side.
17. Are there any laws dealing with magic, weapons, taxes, etc. that my PC should know about?
Using dangerous or destructive magic in the towns will get you fined or thrown in jail, unless a magistrate rules that you acted with justification. Be careful about slinging spells. Weapons are legal everywhere, but drawing 'live steel' in a tavern brawl is usually looked on as tantamount to attempted murder. Goods are taxed in all markets (included in the listed prices). Anyone selling gems or treasure in town will pay a 10% tariff ( figure may vary). Anyone who owns a building in Melinir must pay a seasonal wall tax.
18. What's the greatest honor a local hero can obtain?
Admission to the Quadrial, the honorary generals and champions of the four allied races
19. What sort of hirelings and retainers can I get?
Linkboys, shield bearers, rowers, flunkeys, and other unskilled types may be recruited in any of the towns or villages. Skilled retainers and specialists are rare outside Melinir. Pickman the Sage is the only well-known sage for hire. Available mercenaries are mostly tavern bravos or ex-watchmen.
20. What about strongholds and dominions?
If you can afford a stronghold, feel free to build one. It's possible for name-level PCs to becomes 'Lords of Thunder Rift'', a lofty goal that would require years of work.
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